Barney Rubble Deluxe Costume

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Samsung Galaxy

Here's a relatively simple yet fun Halloween party game that uses the power of suggestion to make it gross. Kids absolutely love this, because their vivid imaginations make it easy to believe it's real. Basically, you have to touch witch or wizard body parts. Here's how.

Use some kind of a story, like how you were walking around in the dark last night, and you looked up and saw a witch or wizard, flying on a broomstick. The next thing you knew, she was flying erratically, making zigzag patterns in the sky.

Suddenly, you saw her plummet down to the ground and crash. You ran over to her and discovered she was already dead. So you chopped her into little pieces and put the body parts in boxes (or bags.)

"Now you get to stick your hand in the boxes and feel her body parts. You'll have to tell me what you feel. Maybe you'll be lucky, and only touch her hair. Maybe you'll feel her heart. Or maybe you'll get a squishy, wet eyeball!"

To set up the game, you'll need several bags, boxes, or containers that you cannot see through. Inside each box or bag, put a different "body part." Make some of them dry, some of them wet, some hard, some soft, and definitely have something smooshy and disgusting.

Cut holes in the sides large enough to stick a hand through, but not large enough to see into. If you're using bags, gather the opening together and tie a piece of yarn or string so that it can only be opened partway, enough to stick a hand inside.

Here are ideas for what to use for different body parts:

Eyeballs--grapes, canned lychee fruits, olives, cocktail onions

Brains--boiled head of cabbage or cauliflower, or a gelatin mold

Guts--canned tomatoes, cooked spiral pasta, the "guts" from a pumpkin jack-o-lantern

Fingers--small sausages, baby carrots

Hair--steel wool, corn silk, yarn

Skin--fruit leather, tortillas, limp cabbage leaves

Heart--pudding or applesauce in a plastic bag, whole stewed tomato

Blood--chocolate syrup, corn syrup, maple syrup

Fingernails--seeds from pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds

Noses--avocado, mushrooms

Mystery part--tofu

This gross Halloween party game will be a hit with your little goblins this holiday. Part of the fun is just getting messy. Kids love to get their hands dirty, and when they can do so without being scolded, they take full advantage. Also, thinking something wet and mushy might be blood and guts makes them think it might really be true, even though a part of them knows it's just pretending, and not really feeling wizard brains.

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Halloween Party

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

No URL Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Samsung Galaxy

If you have ever been to a Halloween party you know that there are traditional games in which every kid has taken part of. Bobbing for Apples has been a Halloween party games standby for a century or more. The traditional telling of ghost stories with a flashlight on your face still is a Halloween party favorite. This year try something new at your Halloween party. Break from the pack and start a new trend by playing Halloween games that are popular themed and will really give memories of fright and fun and not of boredom. You are sure to think of a few new games yourself, but after reading these ideas it might prime you to be more creative.

Fear Factor is a game show on TV that challenges contestants to do scary and disgusting feats to win a prize. This Halloween, instead of the traditional Halloween party games, have a home fear factor. If you have not seen the show, the basic idea is to perform disgusting, gross dares that will even turn the garbage man's stomach.

The best way to start the game is to go for touch. Put some disgusting stuff in a box with a hole cut in it. Tell the kids that there is brains in the box and they have to put there hands in the box to move to the next Fear Factor Dare. In the box have a bowl of cold spaghetti smeared with tomato sauce for fake blood. When the children put there hands in the box they will feel the spaghetti but without knowing it is food, they will think it feels like brains.

Have other boxes around for the blind touch game. Put a couple of grapes in a box and tell the child that is the eyes of a dead pirate. In another box put is some beef liver and tell the child that it is the insides of the last child that played the game and lost. In the last bog you can take tied together shoe laces that are wet and cold and you can tell the child that they are feelings the intestines of a murdered woman. You can spin the tale to fit the age groups of the kids, but their heightened imaginations will make this one of the best Halloween party games they have ever played.

The next Fear Factor Halloween game is played with bugs or worms. Have a child sit in a chair blind folded. Tell him that you are taking out a snake out of the box. Tell him that it is a rattle snake. Shake a baby rattle next to his ear and slowly pull a rubber snake over his shoulders and across his body. There are many other gross and scary things that you can incorporate in the game.

A good idea for the end of this Halloween game is to serve gross snacks. Gummy worms and chocolate spiders are a great treat. Candy corn in chocolate pudding also makes a gross, yummy snack. With a little imagination and some creative juices flowing you can make the Halloween party games of the past a memory in only your mind and not your kids.

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

No URL Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Samsung Galaxy

It doesn't matter if you have a big family or if you're on your own... Halloween is one of the most fun holidays ever invented. But if you are a busy mom (and your house is the one house on the block where everyone goes for Halloween parties) you may be looking for some quick and easy Halloween party snacks to have ready for kids, visitors, guests, and freeloading adult friends during the Halloween season.

Looking for some new ideas for festive snacks that don't take a hundred years (or work your fingers to the bone) to put together? The ten Halloween party snack ideas below are lots of fun, simple to make... and some of them are even healthy!

1. Rotting Eyes and Severed Fingers

This is a very healthy but rather creepy Halloween party snack that makes good use of black olives and baby carrots. Arrange the black olives and baby carrots on a party tray with a bowl of your favorite dip (I like a cream cheese veggie dip). Inform your party guests that the tray is filled with rotting black eyes and severed fingers. And then watch this snack disappear. A good way to get your kids excited about veggies!

2. Jack o' Lantern Oranges

This healthy treat is so easy to make, and looks so pretty! Carve jack-o'-lantern faces into oranges and place on a platter. The kids will love it. And they can help, too, without ever having to pick up a knife. Have them simply draw the faces on with a black marker, and carve them yourself. Or don't worry about carving them-- they look just as good with faces drawn on.

As a variation of this fun Halloween party snack, I like to hollow out an orange with a Jack o' Lantern face and fill it with fruit salad. Healthy, easy and quick!

3. Easy Bugs in the Bone Yard

This is such a fun Halloween snack for the kiddos. All you have to do? Sprinkle raisins into a bowl full of white-chocolate covered pretzels. (You could also use chocolate covered raisins.) Kids will eat them up once they learn the name of this snack. Or they'd eat it up anyway, since this mix tastes divine.

4. Slimy Halloween Jigglers

You know those Jello jiggler molds? They work great for Halloween! Either use whatever you have lying around the house, or go out and pick up a brain or a heart-shaped Jello mold. Make up a batch of orange, black, purple, or flesh-colored Jello and pour into your mold(s). Or make a flat pan of Jello and cut out shapes with Halloween cookie cutters instead.

5. Ghost Cereal Bars

Prepare a batch of the Rice Krispies marshmallow treats recipe on the back of the cereal box. When the mixture has set up, cut out shapes with ghost shaped cookie cutter. Pour warm white frosting or melted white chocolate over the shapes to cover. Add M&M eyes and mouth. A delicious and easy Halloween party snack.

6. Green Gelatin Intestines

This is one of the grosser looking Halloween party snacks. Make lime gelatin and add pineapple bits, chopped marshmallows, sliced bananas and mandarin oranges. Pour gelatin mixture into an angel food cake pan and let set up. Invert pan to remove gelatin mold. Slice the mold horizontally into about 5 layers. Slice the layers in half and arrange on a platter in semi-circles to look like intestines. Gross!

7. Spooky Healthy Eyeballs

This Halloween party snack is both easy and healthy. Wash a bunch of green grapes. Insert a raisin into the stem end of the grapes and freeze them all until ready to serve.

8. Monster Crackers

Color some white vegetable spread or cream cheese with green food coloring and spread on your favorite crackers. Arrange small bits of green and red bell peppers to make a green-eyed, red-mouthed cracker monster. Use small amounts of broccoli sprouts to make the monster hair. A sneaky way to get kids eating their veggies.

9. Wormy Halloween Punch Recipe

No respectable Halloween party snack list would do with out having this squeamish punch. Just make green Kool-Aid and put in a clear glass punch bowl. Set the punch bowl on top of a glow necklace so the light shines through the punch bowl. Add some gummy worms and watch the kids squirm when they see it.

10. Vampire Blood

You use V8 juice for this one so it is healthier than the wormy punch above. Pour the V8 juice in a clear picture that you have labeled as "Vampire Blood." For an adult party, add the ingredients for a bloody Mary, if you like. For a kids' party, well... good luck getting them to try it. It is V8, after all!

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

No URL Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Samsung Galaxy

Halloween isn't just for kids anymore. Plenty of adults celebrate the day as well. Halloween parties are a common event for many adults these days. If you're planning a party of your own, here are some fun adult Halloween games to liven it up.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

The object of a photo scavenger hunt is to get pictures of all the items using a digital camera or a Polaroid camera so the pictures can be judged right away.

Break your guests up into several small groups and give each of them a list of items they have to find. They can all get the same items or you can make each one different if you don't want them tripping over one another in their search.

They head out on foot or by car to find the items and take pictures of themselves with each one. I like to make them find someone to take their picture if possible - if the whole group isn't in each one, they get penalized.

You can choose the winner by the first team to finish, the team with the most creative pictures or whatever criteria you want.

Make the scavenger hunt items fit the theme of your party. You could use a tombstone, a hockey mask, red paint or a horror movie poster for example.

Pumpkin Bowling

This one is fun for any age, really, but adults can have a lot of fun with it.

Partially fill ten 2 liter pop bottles with water to weight them down, then decorate them to fit the theme of your party.

Set them up in the standard 10 pin layout.

Have your guests "bowl" with pumpkins. The smaller gourds usually work best, or at least smaller pumpkins. Round ones tend to roll better but the ones that aren't as perfect make the game a lot more challenging.

Pumpkin Carving

A lot of people have switched to painting pumpkins rather than carving, both for safety and for longer lasting jack-o-lanterns. But carving is still the best in my opinion. There's nothing that says Halloween like the light of a candle flickering through the face of a pumpkin.

You can buy carving kits at most craft and hobby stores around Halloween, with small tools for more detailed carving.

They usually come with stencils as well but for this game you'll probably want to leave it up to your guests to do freestyle.

You can judge the game in several ways - the first to finish their pumpkin, the most creative (in your judgement or the entire group's), the scariest, etc.

And there are plenty of children's games that are just as much fun for adults - bobbing for apples, Twister, musical chairs, etc. Don't worry about whether it's a "mature" thing to do - just worry about whether your guests enjoy themselves!

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

No URL Serbian Prime Minister's Full Frontal No Knickers Interview

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Samsung Galaxy

It doesn't matter if you have a big family or if you're on your own... Halloween is one of the most fun holidays ever invented. But if you are a busy mom (and your house is the one house on the block where everyone goes for Halloween parties) you may be looking for some quick and easy Halloween party snacks to have ready for kids, visitors, guests, and freeloading adult friends during the Halloween season.

Looking for some new ideas for festive snacks that don't take a hundred years (or work your fingers to the bone) to put together? The ten Halloween party snack ideas below are lots of fun, simple to make... and some of them are even healthy!

1. Rotting Eyes and Severed Fingers

This is a very healthy but rather creepy Halloween party snack that makes good use of black olives and baby carrots. Arrange the black olives and baby carrots on a party tray with a bowl of your favorite dip (I like a cream cheese veggie dip). Inform your party guests that the tray is filled with rotting black eyes and severed fingers. And then watch this snack disappear. A good way to get your kids excited about veggies!

2. Jack o' Lantern Oranges

This healthy treat is so easy to make, and looks so pretty! Carve jack-o'-lantern faces into oranges and place on a platter. The kids will love it. And they can help, too, without ever having to pick up a knife. Have them simply draw the faces on with a black marker, and carve them yourself. Or don't worry about carving them-- they look just as good with faces drawn on.

As a variation of this fun Halloween party snack, I like to hollow out an orange with a Jack o' Lantern face and fill it with fruit salad. Healthy, easy and quick!

3. Easy Bugs in the Bone Yard

This is such a fun Halloween snack for the kiddos. All you have to do? Sprinkle raisins into a bowl full of white-chocolate covered pretzels. (You could also use chocolate covered raisins.) Kids will eat them up once they learn the name of this snack. Or they'd eat it up anyway, since this mix tastes divine.

4. Slimy Halloween Jigglers

You know those Jello jiggler molds? They work great for Halloween! Either use whatever you have lying around the house, or go out and pick up a brain or a heart-shaped Jello mold. Make up a batch of orange, black, purple, or flesh-colored Jello and pour into your mold(s). Or make a flat pan of Jello and cut out shapes with Halloween cookie cutters instead.

5. Ghost Cereal Bars

Prepare a batch of the Rice Krispies marshmallow treats recipe on the back of the cereal box. When the mixture has set up, cut out shapes with ghost shaped cookie cutter. Pour warm white frosting or melted white chocolate over the shapes to cover. Add M&M eyes and mouth. A delicious and easy Halloween party snack.

6. Green Gelatin Intestines

This is one of the grosser looking Halloween party snacks. Make lime gelatin and add pineapple bits, chopped marshmallows, sliced bananas and mandarin oranges. Pour gelatin mixture into an angel food cake pan and let set up. Invert pan to remove gelatin mold. Slice the mold horizontally into about 5 layers. Slice the layers in half and arrange on a platter in semi-circles to look like intestines. Gross!

7. Spooky Healthy Eyeballs

This Halloween party snack is both easy and healthy. Wash a bunch of green grapes. Insert a raisin into the stem end of the grapes and freeze them all until ready to serve.

8. Monster Crackers

Color some white vegetable spread or cream cheese with green food coloring and spread on your favorite crackers. Arrange small bits of green and red bell peppers to make a green-eyed, red-mouthed cracker monster. Use small amounts of broccoli sprouts to make the monster hair. A sneaky way to get kids eating their veggies.

9. Wormy Halloween Punch Recipe

No respectable Halloween party snack list would do with out having this squeamish punch. Just make green Kool-Aid and put in a clear glass punch bowl. Set the punch bowl on top of a glow necklace so the light shines through the punch bowl. Add some gummy worms and watch the kids squirm when they see it.

10. Vampire Blood

You use V8 juice for this one so it is healthier than the wormy punch above. Pour the V8 juice in a clear picture that you have labeled as "Vampire Blood." For an adult party, add the ingredients for a bloody Mary, if you like. For a kids' party, well... good luck getting them to try it. It is V8, after all!

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 1.03 Mins.

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Bernie Goldblatt and his old school amigos from The Glencobrooke Retirement Home "Live Mas" when they sneak out for a wild night they'll never forget.

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

Viva Young - 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial

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Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Samsung Galaxy

I love Halloween! It's the one time of year when your imagination and your mind play tricks on you. Believing becomes more important than seeing, and what you see is not always what you get.

Use this feeling of trickery to your advantage with food. For your holiday get together or Halloween party, here are five appetizers to gross out your guests.

Think scary, spooky, slimy, and yucky. Think body parts, fluids, bugs, and bogs. Think dark, secluded woods full of slinking creatures, cemeteries full of shadows, and something out of the corner of your eye.

Now put those feelings into your food. Keep the mood going as you concoct.

Start with blood.

Make some kind of a red dip. You can use pizza sauce with cheese, a beet dip, or something made from raspberries or strawberries, like a jam. Call it something like Bloody Dip. Think of a creative name for the dippers. Call bread sticks Witch Fingers, or carrot sticks Zombie Fingers. Use pita chips and call them Mummified Skin Flakes.

Add some guts.

Something stringy will work great here. A pasta salad, made with spirals or noodles, can pass for intestines. Make sure it has something like corn or small pieces of onion or olives or chopped nuts. A Chinese chicken salad will work well. Call it Intestines Salad, or Ghost Guts.

Now for the vomit.

Think of something chunky and yellowish or greenish colored. A curried dip or cream cheese spread with chutney on top is both delicious and gross looking. Mix everything together, to get a sort of runny substance with small bits and pieces in it. If it has parmesan cheese, it'll even smell like vomit. Of course, put a label on it and call it Cat Barf Spread, or Vampire Vomit.

Add some pond scum.

Use your favorite greenish soup. Cream of spinach or split pea are perfect. If you have some stringy vegetables in there too, that adds to the mood. If you can get some spooky bowls to serve them from, even better.

Here come the bugs.

Take some dried dates. Make a filling out of cream cheese, some bacon bits, chopped nuts, and a few chopped herbs. Stuff the dates with this mixture, and label them Stuffed Roaches. For extra realism, use the tips of green onions as antennae.

Your guests will be grimacing as they are gulping down your delicious food. Or trying to, at least! Try these gross Halloween appetizers at your next party, and see what happens! Bone Appetit!

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

No URL Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Samsung Galaxy

If you have ever been to a Halloween party you know that there are traditional games in which every kid has taken part of. Bobbing for Apples has been a Halloween party games standby for a century or more. The traditional telling of ghost stories with a flashlight on your face still is a Halloween party favorite. This year try something new at your Halloween party. Break from the pack and start a new trend by playing Halloween games that are popular themed and will really give memories of fright and fun and not of boredom. You are sure to think of a few new games yourself, but after reading these ideas it might prime you to be more creative.

Fear Factor is a game show on TV that challenges contestants to do scary and disgusting feats to win a prize. This Halloween, instead of the traditional Halloween party games, have a home fear factor. If you have not seen the show, the basic idea is to perform disgusting, gross dares that will even turn the garbage man's stomach.

The best way to start the game is to go for touch. Put some disgusting stuff in a box with a hole cut in it. Tell the kids that there is brains in the box and they have to put there hands in the box to move to the next Fear Factor Dare. In the box have a bowl of cold spaghetti smeared with tomato sauce for fake blood. When the children put there hands in the box they will feel the spaghetti but without knowing it is food, they will think it feels like brains.

Have other boxes around for the blind touch game. Put a couple of grapes in a box and tell the child that is the eyes of a dead pirate. In another box put is some beef liver and tell the child that it is the insides of the last child that played the game and lost. In the last bog you can take tied together shoe laces that are wet and cold and you can tell the child that they are feelings the intestines of a murdered woman. You can spin the tale to fit the age groups of the kids, but their heightened imaginations will make this one of the best Halloween party games they have ever played.

The next Fear Factor Halloween game is played with bugs or worms. Have a child sit in a chair blind folded. Tell him that you are taking out a snake out of the box. Tell him that it is a rattle snake. Shake a baby rattle next to his ear and slowly pull a rubber snake over his shoulders and across his body. There are many other gross and scary things that you can incorporate in the game.

A good idea for the end of this Halloween game is to serve gross snacks. Gummy worms and chocolate spiders are a great treat. Candy corn in chocolate pudding also makes a gross, yummy snack. With a little imagination and some creative juices flowing you can make the Halloween party games of the past a memory in only your mind and not your kids.

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

No URL Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Samsung Galaxy

Halloween isn't just for kids anymore. Plenty of adults celebrate the day as well. Halloween parties are a common event for many adults these days. If you're planning a party of your own, here are some fun adult Halloween games to liven it up.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

The object of a photo scavenger hunt is to get pictures of all the items using a digital camera or a Polaroid camera so the pictures can be judged right away.

Break your guests up into several small groups and give each of them a list of items they have to find. They can all get the same items or you can make each one different if you don't want them tripping over one another in their search.

They head out on foot or by car to find the items and take pictures of themselves with each one. I like to make them find someone to take their picture if possible - if the whole group isn't in each one, they get penalized.

You can choose the winner by the first team to finish, the team with the most creative pictures or whatever criteria you want.

Make the scavenger hunt items fit the theme of your party. You could use a tombstone, a hockey mask, red paint or a horror movie poster for example.

Pumpkin Bowling

This one is fun for any age, really, but adults can have a lot of fun with it.

Partially fill ten 2 liter pop bottles with water to weight them down, then decorate them to fit the theme of your party.

Set them up in the standard 10 pin layout.

Have your guests "bowl" with pumpkins. The smaller gourds usually work best, or at least smaller pumpkins. Round ones tend to roll better but the ones that aren't as perfect make the game a lot more challenging.

Pumpkin Carving

A lot of people have switched to painting pumpkins rather than carving, both for safety and for longer lasting jack-o-lanterns. But carving is still the best in my opinion. There's nothing that says Halloween like the light of a candle flickering through the face of a pumpkin.

You can buy carving kits at most craft and hobby stores around Halloween, with small tools for more detailed carving.

They usually come with stencils as well but for this game you'll probably want to leave it up to your guests to do freestyle.

You can judge the game in several ways - the first to finish their pumpkin, the most creative (in your judgement or the entire group's), the scariest, etc.

And there are plenty of children's games that are just as much fun for adults - bobbing for apples, Twister, musical chairs, etc. Don't worry about whether it's a "mature" thing to do - just worry about whether your guests enjoy themselves!

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

No URL Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Samsung Galaxy

If you have ever been to a Halloween party you know that there are traditional games in which every kid has taken part of. Bobbing for Apples has been a Halloween party games standby for a century or more. The traditional telling of ghost stories with a flashlight on your face still is a Halloween party favorite. This year try something new at your Halloween party. Break from the pack and start a new trend by playing Halloween games that are popular themed and will really give memories of fright and fun and not of boredom. You are sure to think of a few new games yourself, but after reading these ideas it might prime you to be more creative.

Fear Factor is a game show on TV that challenges contestants to do scary and disgusting feats to win a prize. This Halloween, instead of the traditional Halloween party games, have a home fear factor. If you have not seen the show, the basic idea is to perform disgusting, gross dares that will even turn the garbage man's stomach.

The best way to start the game is to go for touch. Put some disgusting stuff in a box with a hole cut in it. Tell the kids that there is brains in the box and they have to put there hands in the box to move to the next Fear Factor Dare. In the box have a bowl of cold spaghetti smeared with tomato sauce for fake blood. When the children put there hands in the box they will feel the spaghetti but without knowing it is food, they will think it feels like brains.

Have other boxes around for the blind touch game. Put a couple of grapes in a box and tell the child that is the eyes of a dead pirate. In another box put is some beef liver and tell the child that it is the insides of the last child that played the game and lost. In the last bog you can take tied together shoe laces that are wet and cold and you can tell the child that they are feelings the intestines of a murdered woman. You can spin the tale to fit the age groups of the kids, but their heightened imaginations will make this one of the best Halloween party games they have ever played.

The next Fear Factor Halloween game is played with bugs or worms. Have a child sit in a chair blind folded. Tell him that you are taking out a snake out of the box. Tell him that it is a rattle snake. Shake a baby rattle next to his ear and slowly pull a rubber snake over his shoulders and across his body. There are many other gross and scary things that you can incorporate in the game.

A good idea for the end of this Halloween game is to serve gross snacks. Gummy worms and chocolate spiders are a great treat. Candy corn in chocolate pudding also makes a gross, yummy snack. With a little imagination and some creative juices flowing you can make the Halloween party games of the past a memory in only your mind and not your kids.

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Halloween Quinceanera Or Sweet Sixteen Party

Samsung Galaxy

Is your child, yourself, or your whole family just in love with the Halloween theme of monsters and dress up? Were they born around that time of year, or just want a big blow out bash to make everything appear haunting- so why not let them? There are tons of ways to make a halloween party into a spilled over bash of a Mis Quinceanera or Sweet Sixteen. There are hardly any limits with the way this party could turn out, though there is a new [flesh eating] craze that may give you a few ideas.

Zombies. Now this doesn't mean that the whole party has to go around the theme of a flesh eating virus that strikes down the people who have become infected into the living dead, but it could be a fun way to end the night! Hiring a group of young adults in college or even some of your teenagers friends to dress up like a zombie is easy, and making it into a game for the birthday teen is as well. After all the festivities are said and done, you could announce that there are 'loaded guns' under the chairs, which are infact just water guns with red dye in the water. After the group of party goers grab their weapons, you say there are zombies on the lose and the people you hired enter the room wearing white plain tees. Once the zombies get hit with the red dyed water, they're out of the game- but not to worry, these flesh eating monsters can 'infect' one of the party goers!

Chances are that a ballroom manager will not allow such things to take place in their rooms, but that's not the issue, who says it can't be an outside party in a park, your backyard, or even on the beach. So location needs to be figured out way before the actual party is going to be happening, and if it is happening outdoors remember to check the weather and different tents that you made need to provide shelter for the party goers. Though don't think that this Halloween Mis Quince or Sweet Sixteen is limited to zombies, since that's only the tip of the iceberg. Vampires, mummies, and classic monsters in general are all a blank canvas waiting for you and your teen to open the Pandoras Box to set those ideas free.

Now you're probably wondering what would you do for decorations, gifts, and food for the party- since you want to keep the theme alive throughout the whole time and the guests interested. Jack-o-lanterns could be the center pieces to a table, with some black and orange flowers or leaves to spice it up, glasses could be goblets, plates looking old and cracked. The cake could be a tombstone, haunted house, mummy, or even body parts. Creative cake designers eat this stuff up since they get to explore every haunting idea that could possibly come to mind. Party favors may be getting to the tricky part of this Halloween Mis Quince or Sweet Sixteen, though you could always hire a camera man for the evening and have him take photos for everyone then insert into a photo frame for the guests. You shouldn't worry about dinner though, that could be kept to a regular course to save your your guests from getting to into the Halloween theme.

The Halloween theme isn't limited to Mis Quinceanera or Sweet Sixteens, it could be for a wedding if the groom and bride to be are obsessed with Halloween [or things that just go bump in the night], or even a 'Becoming 21'. Halloween is not for the weak of heart, but for those who can handle it, it's a nightmare come true!

Halloween Quinceanera Or Sweet Sixteen Party

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Samsung Galaxy

I love Halloween! It's the one time of year when your imagination and your mind play tricks on you. Believing becomes more important than seeing, and what you see is not always what you get.

Use this feeling of trickery to your advantage with food. For your holiday get together or Halloween party, here are five appetizers to gross out your guests.

Think scary, spooky, slimy, and yucky. Think body parts, fluids, bugs, and bogs. Think dark, secluded woods full of slinking creatures, cemeteries full of shadows, and something out of the corner of your eye.

Now put those feelings into your food. Keep the mood going as you concoct.

Start with blood.

Make some kind of a red dip. You can use pizza sauce with cheese, a beet dip, or something made from raspberries or strawberries, like a jam. Call it something like Bloody Dip. Think of a creative name for the dippers. Call bread sticks Witch Fingers, or carrot sticks Zombie Fingers. Use pita chips and call them Mummified Skin Flakes.

Add some guts.

Something stringy will work great here. A pasta salad, made with spirals or noodles, can pass for intestines. Make sure it has something like corn or small pieces of onion or olives or chopped nuts. A Chinese chicken salad will work well. Call it Intestines Salad, or Ghost Guts.

Now for the vomit.

Think of something chunky and yellowish or greenish colored. A curried dip or cream cheese spread with chutney on top is both delicious and gross looking. Mix everything together, to get a sort of runny substance with small bits and pieces in it. If it has parmesan cheese, it'll even smell like vomit. Of course, put a label on it and call it Cat Barf Spread, or Vampire Vomit.

Add some pond scum.

Use your favorite greenish soup. Cream of spinach or split pea are perfect. If you have some stringy vegetables in there too, that adds to the mood. If you can get some spooky bowls to serve them from, even better.

Here come the bugs.

Take some dried dates. Make a filling out of cream cheese, some bacon bits, chopped nuts, and a few chopped herbs. Stuff the dates with this mixture, and label them Stuffed Roaches. For extra realism, use the tips of green onions as antennae.

Your guests will be grimacing as they are gulping down your delicious food. Or trying to, at least! Try these gross Halloween appetizers at your next party, and see what happens! Bone Appetit!

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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5 Fun Things to Do on Halloween

Samsung Galaxy

If you are looking for something to do on Halloween there are many cost effective activities that people of all ages can enjoy. Not only is Halloween one of the most fun holidays for children, adults can enjoy it to.

Here are 5 Fun Things to do on Halloween:

1.) Take a child Trick or Treating: I can remember growing up how much fun it was to pick out or make a costume for Halloween to go trick or treating. We would always get a group of neighborhood kids together and take pictures and go door to door throughout our town collecting candy and showing off our costumes. The dads would pull a wagon behind us filled with drinks while our mothers would get together and hand out candy. It was a blast! If you are looking for something to do on Halloween and you don't have kids, see if your neighbors or relatives would like you to take their kids out. It's a fun time for everyone!

2.) Decorate your Lawn: I always enjoyed going up to the houses that were decorated on Halloween. It is really easy to decorate for the holiday and very inexpensive. Fill garbage bags with leaves, hang up spider webs on your house and make a few Styrofoam head stones. It can be really fun to do and easy to clean up!

3.) Host A Halloween Party: If you are anything like me, you love an excuse to throw a party. Halloween is the perfect holiday to dress up silly, make and eat some good food and socialize with your friends. Obviously this party will be themed and if you feel like it you could even have a dress up contest.

4.) Go to a Corn Maze: If you have a family a corn maze might be fun to attend on Halloween. There is so much more to do at a corn maze then the maze itself. Most have costume contests, serve hot apple cider and other treats and some even have a wagon ride which small children enjoy. Remember to keep your kids close, we don't want them to get lost!

5.) Visit A Haunted House:If you like the whole theme of Halloween you probably like or are into scary things. Visiting a local haunted house is a great way to enjoy the holiday and get scared at the same time. Haunted houses are fun to go with a group of friends or even on a date. I like going to a haunted house or two a year, they are always great at changing the theme or layout.

5 Fun Things to Do on Halloween

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Make Your Halloween Party A Hit - Games For Adults

Samsung Galaxy

No party is complete without party games; even an adult Halloween party. The games need to be exciting and entertaining in order for you to have a successful fun filled Halloween party. A few ideas that are sure to appeal to adults of all ages are listed below.

Shooting hoop - You can not go wrong when you have this game at your Halloween party. Everyone loves to test their skill to see just how many times they can make the basket. It's fun and exhilarating.

Pumpkin carving contest - This is a great way for your guest to test their skills against each other to see how they measure up on carving a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern.

Throwing darts - Throwing darts is a great game of skill. It will keep your guest busy for hours. You just want to make sure that it is located in a safe place where you won't have to worry about any accidents occurring.

Karaoke - Karaoke is a favorite of many adults. They love to show off their singing talent in front of an audience. Even if you prefer to not join in on the actually singing, who don't like listening to others perform their songs? It's very entertaining and you can even offer a prize for the one voted the best from the response of audience.

Tug of war - Tug of War is a great game of strength that is a Halloween hit. Both men and women alike love to show how tough they are. What better way to do this than by participating in a nice game of tug a war. You can have couple match or divide the men and women into two groups and have them compete against each other. The guest can form their own teams and compete against each other to see who is the strongest.

If you still feel like you need a little extra to keep your party exciting, how about a dance contest? Many couples love to show off their dancing skills and this would give them the perfect opportunity. When you include these ideas in your Halloween party you will have something for everyone to enjoy.

Make Your Halloween Party A Hit - Games For Adults

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Coolest Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers

Samsung Galaxy

Too old for ghosts in white sheets? Take terror to the next level with these Halloween party ideas for teenagers!

Make Sure Your Digs Are Spooky!

For a killer Halloween party, the first thing you gotta do is set your scene. The cheapest and easiest way to do this is to light lots and lots of candles. This creates an eerie ambience of flickering light and moving shadows.

Next, put out a few well-placed props. Drape your furniture in black, gray and blood red sheets, or use any dark or gauzy material you can find. Most costume shops, drugstores and dollar stores sell packages of fake cobwebs to stretch out in corners, in door-frames and over furniture. 'Bloody' knives, scythes, scary masks, rubber rats and spiders, dismembered body parts and signature props from scary movies (Jason's goalie mask, Freddy's fedora, Candyman's hook hand) can be found at Halloween shops, or use your imagination to build your own Halloween party props!

If you have a guest list, 'build' a tombstone for each guest. Cut out pieces of cardboard into tombstone shapes, spray paint them gray, 'age' them with a few light sprays of black spray paint and write a funny or fearsome epitaph for each of your friends. It's scary to see your own tombstone!

Once your Halloween party house looks scary it's time to make it sound scary, too. Look for free downloads, or borrow your friends' music collections to compile a spooky Halloween party soundtrack.

There are hundreds of songs to suit your Halloween theme. Here are just a few suggestions (warning, these are not your parents' Halloween pop classics!):

1. The "Halloween" theme song (teenagers love Rob Zombie's 2007 version)
2. "People Are Strange" by the Doors
3. "Psycho Killer" by the Talking Heads
4. "Waltz in Black" by the Stranglers
5. "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus
6. "Let There Be More Darkness" by Robyn Hitchcock
7. "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance

Pumpkin Carving Contest

One reason this is such a great Halloween party idea for teenagers is teens love to make a mess! Be sure to hold your contest in a room with floors you can mop, away from the good furniture! For easy cleanup, line your work area with newspapers!

1. Here's what you'll need: enough pumpkins that each guest or pair of guests can carve one; tablespoons; as many fine felt markers (or pens) and paring knives as you can 'scare' up; 2-3 large bowls (for pumpkin 'guts'); tea lights or short candles.

2. Draw circles around your pumpkin stems, large enough for your hand to fit through when the holes are cut. Cut along the edge of each circle, making sure to angle your cut so that the 'lids' will not fall through the holes.

3. Using tablespoons, scrape out the pumpkin seeds and guts, putting them into the bowls provided.

4. Let your guests draw and cut out whatever designs they want for their Jack o' Lanterns.

5. Once everyone is finished, place candles into the Jack o' Lanterns and light them. Vote for the scariest, most original and best-made Jack o' Lanterns. Be sure to have some small prizes ready for the winners!

Once your pumpkins are gutted, rinse the pulp and juice from the pumpkin seeds. Toss the seeds in a little cooking oil (olive or canola oil works well). Season the seeds with salt, pepper, paprika or your favorite spice, and spread them out on a baking sheet. Bake the seeds at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, stirring every ten minutes or so.

This is a great idea for a party snack later on, when you're all curled up to watch a scary movie together - the perfect end to a perfect Halloween party!

Coolest Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Samsung Galaxy

Here's a relatively simple yet fun Halloween party game that uses the power of suggestion to make it gross. Kids absolutely love this, because their vivid imaginations make it easy to believe it's real. Basically, you have to touch witch or wizard body parts. Here's how.

Use some kind of a story, like how you were walking around in the dark last night, and you looked up and saw a witch or wizard, flying on a broomstick. The next thing you knew, she was flying erratically, making zigzag patterns in the sky.

Suddenly, you saw her plummet down to the ground and crash. You ran over to her and discovered she was already dead. So you chopped her into little pieces and put the body parts in boxes (or bags.)

"Now you get to stick your hand in the boxes and feel her body parts. You'll have to tell me what you feel. Maybe you'll be lucky, and only touch her hair. Maybe you'll feel her heart. Or maybe you'll get a squishy, wet eyeball!"

To set up the game, you'll need several bags, boxes, or containers that you cannot see through. Inside each box or bag, put a different "body part." Make some of them dry, some of them wet, some hard, some soft, and definitely have something smooshy and disgusting.

Cut holes in the sides large enough to stick a hand through, but not large enough to see into. If you're using bags, gather the opening together and tie a piece of yarn or string so that it can only be opened partway, enough to stick a hand inside.

Here are ideas for what to use for different body parts:

Eyeballs--grapes, canned lychee fruits, olives, cocktail onions

Brains--boiled head of cabbage or cauliflower, or a gelatin mold

Guts--canned tomatoes, cooked spiral pasta, the "guts" from a pumpkin jack-o-lantern

Fingers--small sausages, baby carrots

Hair--steel wool, corn silk, yarn

Skin--fruit leather, tortillas, limp cabbage leaves

Heart--pudding or applesauce in a plastic bag, whole stewed tomato

Blood--chocolate syrup, corn syrup, maple syrup

Fingernails--seeds from pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds

Noses--avocado, mushrooms

Mystery part--tofu

This gross Halloween party game will be a hit with your little goblins this holiday. Part of the fun is just getting messy. Kids love to get their hands dirty, and when they can do so without being scolded, they take full advantage. Also, thinking something wet and mushy might be blood and guts makes them think it might really be true, even though a part of them knows it's just pretending, and not really feeling wizard brains.

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Samsung Galaxy

It doesn't matter if you have a big family or if you're on your own... Halloween is one of the most fun holidays ever invented. But if you are a busy mom (and your house is the one house on the block where everyone goes for Halloween parties) you may be looking for some quick and easy Halloween party snacks to have ready for kids, visitors, guests, and freeloading adult friends during the Halloween season.

Looking for some new ideas for festive snacks that don't take a hundred years (or work your fingers to the bone) to put together? The ten Halloween party snack ideas below are lots of fun, simple to make... and some of them are even healthy!

1. Rotting Eyes and Severed Fingers

This is a very healthy but rather creepy Halloween party snack that makes good use of black olives and baby carrots. Arrange the black olives and baby carrots on a party tray with a bowl of your favorite dip (I like a cream cheese veggie dip). Inform your party guests that the tray is filled with rotting black eyes and severed fingers. And then watch this snack disappear. A good way to get your kids excited about veggies!

2. Jack o' Lantern Oranges

This healthy treat is so easy to make, and looks so pretty! Carve jack-o'-lantern faces into oranges and place on a platter. The kids will love it. And they can help, too, without ever having to pick up a knife. Have them simply draw the faces on with a black marker, and carve them yourself. Or don't worry about carving them-- they look just as good with faces drawn on.

As a variation of this fun Halloween party snack, I like to hollow out an orange with a Jack o' Lantern face and fill it with fruit salad. Healthy, easy and quick!

3. Easy Bugs in the Bone Yard

This is such a fun Halloween snack for the kiddos. All you have to do? Sprinkle raisins into a bowl full of white-chocolate covered pretzels. (You could also use chocolate covered raisins.) Kids will eat them up once they learn the name of this snack. Or they'd eat it up anyway, since this mix tastes divine.

4. Slimy Halloween Jigglers

You know those Jello jiggler molds? They work great for Halloween! Either use whatever you have lying around the house, or go out and pick up a brain or a heart-shaped Jello mold. Make up a batch of orange, black, purple, or flesh-colored Jello and pour into your mold(s). Or make a flat pan of Jello and cut out shapes with Halloween cookie cutters instead.

5. Ghost Cereal Bars

Prepare a batch of the Rice Krispies marshmallow treats recipe on the back of the cereal box. When the mixture has set up, cut out shapes with ghost shaped cookie cutter. Pour warm white frosting or melted white chocolate over the shapes to cover. Add M&M eyes and mouth. A delicious and easy Halloween party snack.

6. Green Gelatin Intestines

This is one of the grosser looking Halloween party snacks. Make lime gelatin and add pineapple bits, chopped marshmallows, sliced bananas and mandarin oranges. Pour gelatin mixture into an angel food cake pan and let set up. Invert pan to remove gelatin mold. Slice the mold horizontally into about 5 layers. Slice the layers in half and arrange on a platter in semi-circles to look like intestines. Gross!

7. Spooky Healthy Eyeballs

This Halloween party snack is both easy and healthy. Wash a bunch of green grapes. Insert a raisin into the stem end of the grapes and freeze them all until ready to serve.

8. Monster Crackers

Color some white vegetable spread or cream cheese with green food coloring and spread on your favorite crackers. Arrange small bits of green and red bell peppers to make a green-eyed, red-mouthed cracker monster. Use small amounts of broccoli sprouts to make the monster hair. A sneaky way to get kids eating their veggies.

9. Wormy Halloween Punch Recipe

No respectable Halloween party snack list would do with out having this squeamish punch. Just make green Kool-Aid and put in a clear glass punch bowl. Set the punch bowl on top of a glow necklace so the light shines through the punch bowl. Add some gummy worms and watch the kids squirm when they see it.

10. Vampire Blood

You use V8 juice for this one so it is healthier than the wormy punch above. Pour the V8 juice in a clear picture that you have labeled as "Vampire Blood." For an adult party, add the ingredients for a bloody Mary, if you like. For a kids' party, well... good luck getting them to try it. It is V8, after all!

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live)

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Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks
Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts
Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Coolest Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers

Coolest Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers
Coolest Halloween Party Ideas For Teenagers

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Make Your Halloween Party A Hit - Games For Adults

Make Your Halloween Party A Hit - Games For Adults
Make Your Halloween Party A Hit - Games For Adults

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

5 Fun Things to Do on Halloween

5 Fun Things to Do on Halloween
5 Fun Things to Do on Halloween

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests
Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Halloween Quinceanera Or Sweet Sixteen Party

Halloween Quinceanera Or Sweet Sixteen Party
Halloween Quinceanera Or Sweet Sixteen Party

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games
Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party
Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games
Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party

Buy Now! iTunes: Music video by Justin Bieber performing As Long As You Love Me (Acoustic) (Live). ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group


Halloween Party

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests
Scary Halloween Party Foods: Five Appetizers To Gross Out Your Guests

Halloween Party

Bernie Goldblatt and his old school amigos from The Glencobrooke Retirement Home "Live Mas" when they sneak out for a wild night they'll never forget.


Halloween Party

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks
Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party


Halloween Party

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party
Adult Halloween Games To Liven Up Your Halloween Party

Halloween Party


Halloween Party

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks
Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

Halloween Party


Halloween Party

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games
Scary (But Fun) Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party


Halloween Party

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts
Gross Halloween Party Game: Feeling Witch Or Wizard Body Parts

Halloween Party
